Pillar- Purpose
The notion of “purpose from pillar” pertains to the value and importance of a corporation’s existence, as well as the efforts exerted by a brand to achieve said value and significance, within the context of business. Likewise, this holds true across the entire fashion industry. In addition to serving as facilitators of design and economic advantages, brands also contribute to the advancement of societal and human civilizational objectives. Assemblies of principles and actions are frequently referred to as brand philosophy. The aim concerning the youth in the present day can be defined in a variety of ways, including the advancement of minority rights and the mitigation of climate change. Because the younger generation demonstrates a significant degree of concern regarding environmental matters, considering them to be the most critical concerns of our time, specifically about corporate behavior and product development. There is a growing trend among consumers to utilize their purchasing decisions as a way to strengthen their ideological beliefs; they demonstrate a preference for businesses that share their values and actively avoid those that do not. Base on this evidence companies that are diverse, egalitarian, inclusive, and acutely aware of societal demands and contemporary issues are better able to surmount obstacles, attract high-caliber personnel, and meet the needs of a wide range of customers, according to a report published by McKinsey in 2023.
Since Gen Z is concerned with online consumption, (G. Moran) most firms express their brand philosophy through the Brand Story interface on their website or social media. The vast majority of brand philosophies consist of three components: Vision, value, and mission. They consist of the brand value, the brand mission, and the brand-funded activities. These remind consumers the company is doing something other than selling, and much of it is helpful for people, the environment, and society. This provides consumers and employees with direction. Gen Z cares most about environmental issues (Mckinsey, 2023). This has been a focus of Vivianne Westwood’s efforts, extending to the basic materials for jewelry and accessories and the ready-to-wear. For instance, within the clothing line, over 90% of the materials utilized are derived from alternative materials in accordance with prevailing industry standards. This decision is since such materials consistently offer comparable advantages over conventional materials in terms of mitigating their effects on the environment, society, and climate, while also contributing substantially to the reduction of carbon emissions and carbon footprint. The most renowned pearls originate from the sole fishery globally that practices sustainable management. (Being Vivian Westwood)
According to Vivianne Westwood, value signifies the brand’s commitment to effecting positive change in response to the deteriorating environment and climate on our planet. Due to the impending extinction of Sumatran tigers in the wild and the vanishing of Arctic ice, this value must be realized immediately. (FFI, 2019) Hence, in pursuit of this objective, Vivianne Westwood is resolute in implementing modifications, which commence with the brand’s operations. She undertook a mission to attain this goal. As an illustration, in 2019, as part of a mission to support the International Flora and Fauna charity, she manufactured a limited-edition assortment of T-shirt dresses and scarves featuring Sumatran tiger artwork on recycled materials. This initiative aimed to draw attention to the plight of untamed Sumatran tigers. At the conclusion of the London Paralympics in 2012, Vivienne introduced the Climate Revolution and continues to inspire individuals, NGOs, and charitable organizations to unite in opposition to inactive political leaders and big business. Additionally, she authored “Active Resistance Propaganda,” an activist manifesto that advocates for the preservation of the planet for future generations through cultural inspiration. She designed a deck of playing cards that illustrated a culture-driven economic strategy to save the world using her graphic design skills.
Moreover, McKinsey’s data indicates that these products are unquestionably effective at communicating concepts to Gen Z consumers, who are the most avid apparel purchasers and spend the most. Documenting these activities and concepts in addition to Viviane’s routine speeches, activism, and photographs is the official Vivianne Westwood website. Simultaneously, an arresting title appears: “I NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE TO SAVE THE WORLD, AS I AM UNEQUIVOLVED TO DO SO MYSELF.” To unite Gen Z consumers who are deeply engrossed in online shopping with the brand in pursuit of its overarching goal of safeguarding the Earth’s biosphere and climate (Vivianne Westwood), it is judicious to select site visibility. McKeny’s research indicates that Gen Z is the most engaged consumer demographic via the website and social media platforms, surpassing even baby boomers.