‘People’ and Their Undeniable Importance.


‘People’ is arguably the most important pillar of the fashion world, for without people, the structure of the industry would collapse. ‘People’ make up every set of integral stakeholders needed to maintain the body of the industry. What would retailers be without suppliers? What would suppliers be without designers? What would designers be without consumers? – Undeniably the most influential group, those who drive or sink demand, buy into or ignore trends and ultimately decide whether or not to purchase what you produce.

Gen Z consumers

Gen Z consumers are, as it stands, the most ethically aware when it comes to spending and supporting fashion brands. Inclusivity, sustainability and brand awareness are all factors that a growing majority of Gen Z consumers are looking for when making purchases. This generation has a known, indisputable influence on current trends and demand, with a ‘purchasing power of around $360 billion in the US’ alone (Scheinder, B., Lee, D. 2022).

Attractive traits

From this, its clear to see that a brand with sustainable ethics, positive awareness and a purpose to promote inclusivity will become growingly attractive to Gen Z consumers. ‘Forbes discovered that 62% of Generation Z prefer to purchase from sustainable brands and are willing to pay more for ethically produced goods’ (Hope, B. 2022). Second hand retailers such as Vinted, Vestiaire Collective and Depop are gradually becoming leading sellers of the market, and are only set to grow more popular. ‘According to Thredup’s Resale Report 2023, the global second-hand market is expected to grow three times faster on average than the global apparel market overall.’ (Cook, J. 2023).


One example of a brand responding to Gen Z’s growing demand for inclusivity is Nike. Nike is a leading brand for promoting and providing inclusivity across all of their ranges. This includes religious diversity- such as the Nike Pro Hijab for female Muslim athletes, inclusivity for differently abled bodies- such as their adaptive activewear for people with disabilities, and an inclusion of all body types, with a broad range of plus sized athleisure. Nike consistently promote a range of multicultural advertisements which speak unanimously to a global demographic.

Connecting with the consumer

For a fashion brand to successfully speak to its potential consumers, it should aim to be welcoming, unbiased and relatable. Gen Z is working towards a fashion world where no group of people feel alienated by brands or face limitations due to any component of their character. If brands continue to put effort into communicating to all identities, the fashion industry has the potential to become an undivided market for all consumers to invest in.


BoF Insights | Gen-Z and Fashion in the Age of Realism – Schneider, Benjamin & Lee, Diana (11 Oct. 2022)

https://www.businessoffashion.com/reports/retail/gen-z-fashion-in-the-age-of-realism-bof-insights-social-media-report/ (Accessed 14.10.2023)

How Gen Z shapes sustainable luxury fashion through digital- Hope, Blaise. (28 May 2022)

https://sustainabilitymag.com/sustainability/how-gen-z-shapes-sustainable-luxury-fashion-through-digital (Accessed 14.10.2023)

Second-Hand Fashion: On The Rise But Will It Save The Environment? – James Cook (30 June 2023)

https://www.businessleader.co.uk/second-hand-fashion-on-the-rise-but-will-it-save-environment/ (Accessed 14.10.2023)

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