
Consumers are a significant pillar within the fashion industry, with being one of the most important out of the four. Consumers are the people who invest their time and money towards the brand making it crucial for brands to draw in consumers to survive. A brand that knows how to market it’s products well attracts more consumers.

Gen Z, are currently the most important generation within the market, as they are the upcoming target market for brands. Being born after 1995, members of Gen Z have values and opinions brands care about. They have a potent influence on people of all ages and incomes, as well as the way those people consume and relate to brands (Francis & Hoefel, 2018)

With social media having the biggest role in marketing, one of the main ways to attract Gen Z consumers is to market the brand on social media. Gen Z users watch more than 7.2 hours of TikTok tok every day according to 7.2 hours is almost a third of their day. When a brand tries to attract Gen Z they should use TikTok as a tool as their brand could gain consumers in an efficient way. Even though 53% of Gen Z consumers choose to shop in physical stores, using TikTok as a platform to market your brand could attract consumers into stores.

Diversity has no definition but it can be categorized into four types which include: Internal, External, organizational, and world view. With all of these categories, the different types of diversity include age diversity race diversity etc. With so many new views on things, Gen Z has to acquire a different mindset to face these new views, therefore they are more adamant about brands and products reflecting their values on to topics such as mental health, climate change, and more( BOF, 2023) Diversity can be a difficult aim to achieve but according to Mitterfellner, O (2023) with all the new ideas that are fueled by the diverse culture capital that these talents possess, luxury brands can harness a fresh approach and attract new equally diverse consumers from all global cultures.

People skills can range from listening to being empathetic, however, in the fashion industry, brands should give importance to a large amount of people skills for them to be successful. If a brand doesn’t listen to its consumers it will not succeed as it’s not listening to what the consumers want. Especially with all the trends changing so fast, brands need to listen to their consumers on what trends to follow and not to follow. Another people skill that is different from listening is organization, which is an understated skill that turns out to be very important for not only a fashion brand but for any brand to succeed.


  • Francis & Hoefel (2018)
  • Mitterfellner, O (2023)
  • BOF (2023)
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