The 4th and final pillar is purpose. With purpose being such a subjective ideology, many people might have different views on their purpose. Individuals have their own purpose which could include goals, ideas and more, however just like a human the fashion industry also has its own purposes. Which include, Mission, vision, and values. These three ideologies equate to a brand philosophy.
A brand philosophy refers to the brands way of “doing things” and the belief in that method (Brand Master academy, 2023) within the brands philosophy as mentioned above, it includes three areas, mission, vision and values. Each area being different in its own ways. The first one Mission is asking the questions, where are we now? And why do we exist? Both questions are analyising the brands existence and future pathways. The mission tries to make the brand examine its purpose. Next is the vision, the vision of a brand questions where the brand wants to be and their future ambitions. Which helps a brand align with their values to try to achieve their goals. Lastly, Values. Values are again subjective, and just like they are subjective to humans, they are alos subjective to fashion brands. Each brand might have their own value, for example, H&M’s brand value is that they are open honest and humble (H&M culture and workplace, 2023). Which makes them approachable to their costumers as a lot of consumers want to shop at brands who have these values.
Gen Z is a generation with a lot of opinions and it has been know to be a generation who is blunt about what is right and wrong. A lot of brands have faced backlash over their brand values and not sticking to them such as H&M, as mentioned above their brand values are being open honest and humble. However, they are not honest about how their clothes and products are manufactured, as they are a brand that uses fast fashion values to produce their items. Therefore, when communication to a generation such as Gen Z, a brand must be honest about their, mission, vision and values, and most importantly they should stick to what they are portraying their brand as.
Brand master academy, 2023 https://brandmasteracademy.com/