Understanding the aim of a fashion brand is important for various reasons. One of which is brand identity. Understanding the purpose assists in defining the brand’s identity and distinguishing it from competitors. It defines the brand’s core principles and the distinct benefits it provides to customers. As a result, it is critical for developing a strong brand identity and serves as the basis upon which the brand’s success and reputation are established.
For fashion brands, brand philosophy, which encompasses goal, vision, and value proposition, plays an important role since it serves as a guide. It outlines the essential purpose and rationale for the brand’s existence, offering a clear sense of direction and assisting in the alignment of all elements of the business, from product creation to marketing strategies. Stella McCartney’s brand philosophy is “We strive to create the most beautiful and desirable products with the least impact on our planet” (McCartney, 2023). This means engaging in practices that will sustain not only the business but also the environment and the people residing in that environment (Londrigan & Jenkins, 2018). Sustainable fashion is becoming something consumers are expecting from brands. As consumer awareness of environmental issues such as climate change and pollution grow, they are looking for ways to reduce their own environmental impact. Therefore, sustainable fashion allows them to make more environmentally responsible choices. As a result, brands that prioritise sustainability are more likely to connect with customers and earn their loyalty over time. In summary, a well-articulated brand philosophy serves as a decision-making framework, develops customer loyalty, and attracts the ideal audience.
Nike’s collaboration with Billie Eilish – a popular singer among Generation Z as well as being one of Gen Z herself – uses leftover material waste from the artist’s prior collaborative AF1 High. The Nike x Billie Eilish AF1 Low underscores Nike and Eilish ’s shared commitment to taking action to create a better world (Nike, 2022). Advancing a democratic approach to sustainability concerns alongside a public figure is a smart approach from Nike for communicating its purpose – sustainability – to Gen Z. According to McKinsey & Company Gen Z often choose brands that have a strong purpose, as well as those committed to green practices. 73% of Gen Z reported trying to purchase from companies they consider ethical, and nine out of ten believe that companies have a responsibility to address environmental and social issues (McKinsey&Company, 2023). As a result, establishing a commitment to sustainable and ethical production and sourcing practises is critical for connecting with Gen Z, who are deeply concerned about environmental issues. Similarly, in addition to promoting the concept of sustainability, Nike has created collaborations with public figures. Collaboration with influencers who are aligned with the brand’s purpose can help spread the message, as Gen Z frequently looks up to influencers as trustworthy sources of knowledge and inspiration. As a result, by implementing both strategies, Nike will be able to effectively express their purpose to Gen Z, forming deep and enduring bonds with this socially concerned generation. Maintaining trust and engagement requires consistency and long-term commitment to the brand’s goal.
Londrigan, M. & Jenkins, J., 2018. Fashion Supply Chain Management. First Edition ed. New York: Fairchild Books.
McCartney, S., 2023. Stella McCartney. [Online]
Available at: https://www.stellamccartney.com/us/en/sustainability/sustainability.html#:~:text=We%20strive%20to%20create%20the,behind%20our%20products%20and%20innovations.
[Accessed 28 October 2023].
McKinsey&Company, 2023. What is Gen Z?. [Online]
Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-explainers/what-is-gen-z
[Accessed 29 October 2023].
Nike, 2022. Nike x Billie Eilish AF1 Low. [Online]
Available at: https://about.nike.com/en/newsroom/releases/nike-x-billie-eilish-af1-low
[Accessed 28 October 2023].