Djerf Avenue

Djerf Avenue is a Swedish ethically produced clothing brand created by Matilda Djerf. Matilda and her boyfriend co-founded the business in 2019 as a side hustle and today the 25 year old has grown it into a multi millionaire business despite having no business plan.   I have chosen this brand specifically as their collection consists of basic yet luxurious pieces at the lower price range of luxury. The brand has created timeless and high quality pieces that are perfect for the ‘everyday look’ or can be elevated through the use of accessories, creating an effortless classy aura for their clients. An example of this is their iconic ‘Djerf Avenue Forever Blazer in Grey’ which has taken tik tok by storm due to its high quality and versatility in completing outfits. It has been labelled by many as their favourite piece and it is understandable due to the little aspects of it that have been carefully and intentionally designed to be of a high standard.

Many of the clothing pieces can be seen to have taken inspiration from cities such as Copenhagen and New York. I particularly love this about the brand as it helps translate their luxurious brand image onto their customers’ everyday style. Additionally, their approach helps fashion become more sustainable as not only does it appeal to many demographics but due to the basic nature of the pieces they can be reworn multiple times and passed down generations! Subsequently, the brand appeals to teens but also to those older due to the simplicity of designs meeting a vast amount of consumer needs. Therefore, maximising sales as well as their relevance as their clothes are also non seasonal which enables them to maximise their capacity utilisation whilst also minimising waste and is perfect for the circularity of fashion.

Alongside this Djerf Avenue have also taken major steps to be inclusive and diverse this can be seen through not only their campaigns but also through the various models used on their website. Furthermore, assisting them in becoming one of my favourite brands as, as a person of colour myself and being curvier, seeing representation of different bodies and people from different backgrounds is very important to me due to the lack of it in the industry whilst growing up. It is especially important as young girls are taught to idolise specific beauty standards but Djerf Avenue are helping normalise different versions of beauty by having a diverse range of models and offering a wider range of sizes compared to most retailers. Matilda also mentioned in an interview with Insider that all the models used for the website are all customers and none of the photos are retouched, which is very rare in the industry and in businesses in general. Matilda’s continuous support for change within the fashion industry is part of why Djerf Avenue is one of my favourite brands as she is vocal about many prevalent issues and even protests the lack of diversity in fashion shows by refusing to attend some! Therefore bringing much needed light to issues that have been brushed under the rug since the first ever fashion show in Paris in 1860.

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