
The purpose is the fourth of four pillars. Brand purpose is a reason to exist beyond selling products and making a profit, it is more a reflection of the company’s responsibility to society and requires consideration of the brand’s social, environmental, ecological, and political position. Working with a purpose increases the strength of the business, makes the brand different from other competitors, and helps increase customer loyalty. Customers are not buying out of need, or just a product. Instead, they are buying something more than that: a brand, what the brand stands for, and a shared vision and values. In other words, they buy into the brand’s purpose(ReSet,2022).

Mission, Vision, and values are the three most important parts of branding as they guide all other decisions made by the brand going forward. The mission statement defines a brand purpose for Employees and Customers; the brand vision defines how the brand will evolve and how the brand will be perceived by customers in the future and the brand value demonstrates the uniqueness of the brand and its difference from other brands, and enhances the competitiveness of the brand in the market(Limelightmarketing,2020). The brand philosophy defines and integrates the brand values, uniqueness, desired positioning in the market, and brand voice(Molly McGill,2020)

Nicola Zanetti(2022)

Zara, which stands out among fast fashion brands, can serve as a good example. Zara’s Mission Statement is “Provide customers with what they want and deliver it to them faster than anyone else.”While Zara learns about its customers’ needs on social media, its offline shop employees also take notes on customer preferences. The brand can respond quickly to market demand, taking the shortest time from design to delivery to the shop(Edrawmind,2023). The Zara vision statement is “to contribute to the sustainable development of society and that of the environment with which we interact.” Zara offers a great contribution to sustainable fashion, this demonstrates the brand’s strong sense of social responsibility. The company has a long history of not using plastic as a raw material and not adding unnecessary labels to its clothes. The values of Zara are beauty, clarity, functionality, and sustainability. Zara has always been guided by its mission and brand vision, which is what makes it stand out from the competitive fast fashion brands.


As the newest generation of consumers, Generation Z has a great influence on the market, focusing more on the purpose of a brand than simply buying a product. According to Jordan Sim, to appeal to the Gen Z demographic, brands need to demonstrate values and purpose, while remaining consistent and personalized (Marketing Mag,2021). Generation Z is the first group born entirely in the digital age, one study suggests that 54 percent of Gen Z will be shopping exclusively online within the next decade. To better communicate with Gen Z, marketing strategy should always be adaptable, inclusive, and innovative. Using social media is a great way to communicate with Gen Z, social media such as Instagram and TikTok allow brands to communicate directly with consumers in a visual way.

Figure2:How Gen Z uses social media platforms( Parallelinteractive,2021)

At the same time, generation Z is drawn to brands that share the same values as they do(Sherwen,2023). Therefore, a brand, should directly and truthfully show brand value and social responsibility to this group of consumers, to gain recognition and increase the brand loyalty of Generation Z.

Reset(2022)Why purpose is the new ‘must have’ for luxury brands.Available at:https://thisisreset.com/why-purpose-is-the-new-must-have-for-luxury-brands/(Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Limelightmarketing(2020)Brand Strategy: Mission, Vision, Values & Brand Personality.Available at:https://limelightmarketing.com/blogs/brand-strategy-mission-vision-values-brand-personality/(Accessed: 25 October 2023).

Molly McGill(2023)Why are Mission and Vision Statements Important for my Brand?Available at:https://warpweftbranding.com/why-are-mission-and-vision-statements-important-for-my-brand/(Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Edrawmind(2023)Zara Mission and Vision Statement Analysis.Available at:https://www.edrawmind.com/article/zara-mission-and-vision-statement-analysis.html(Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Marketing Mag(2021)Calling Gen Z: how brands can engage with a purpose-driven generation.Available at:https://www.marketingmag.com.au/tech-data/calling-gen-z-how-brands-can-engage-with-a-purpose-driven-generation/(Accessed: 26 October 2023).

Sherwen(2023)Cause-related Marketing is the future of Gen-Z Engagement.Available at:https://www.sherwen.com/insights/cause-related-marketing-is-the-future-of-gen-z-engagement(Accessed: 26 October 2023).


Nicola Zanetti(2022)Vision, Mission and values: how to define them and how to write them.Available at:https://b-plannow.com/en/vision-mission-and-company-values-what-they-are-and-how-to-define-them/

Zara(2023)Available at:https://www.zara.com/uk/en/join-life-projects-mkt5167.html?v1=1906265

Parallelinteractive(2021)How Gen Z uses social media platforms.Available at:https://www.parallelinteractive.com/generation-z-marketing-strategies/

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