Ann Demeulemeester

Designer Ann Demeulemeester, one of the “Antwerp Six”, was born in Belgium. 1985 Ann Demeulemeester used her name to launch the clothing line. In 2003, Ann Demeulemeester announced her resignation from her label with a handwritten letter.

Ann Demeulemeester is a very avant-garde designer. She said that black is not dark it is poetic, and she has always embraced fluidity when it comes to gender, her show combined both womenswear and menswear, on which she later commented “Men and women live together and share the same things, so why shouldn’t they do the same on the catwalk?” Ann Demeulemeester always uses asymmetrical shapes and special fabrics with structuralist tailoring, her show stuck to the ever-present colours of black and white. However, she can constantly bring surprises. I love this brand because Ann Demeulemeester has a different understanding and view of black and she doesn’t care what people say about her all-black and nude designs.

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