

A brands purpose is a brands ‘why’, it’s  reason for being and the ethos of the brand making up the final of the four pillars of the fashion industry. The purpose of a brand is essential as consumers expect the brands they love to stand for something important (Fromm, 2019). It has been found that 64% of global consumers  find brands that actively communicate they’re purpose more appealing highlighting if a brand has a clear purpose it markets itself. In addition, brands with purpose out preform the stock market by 120% highlighting  the modern consumer most likely millennials and Gen Z want to purchase from brands who’s ethos is inline with theirs personally.

Brand philosophy is the ethos of a brand and ultimately is essential to a brands success as Gen Z consumers want more than just a product but instead want to know what the brand stands for and a brands ‘why?’. In addition, brand philosophy consists of mission , vision and value.  A Brands mission is what a brand wants to achieve whilst a brands vision refers to the trajectory  of a brand and what it hopes to achieve in the future ( service brand global ,2021). A Brand having an individual philosophy guides every other decision a brand will make in the future. Gen Z consumers want brands who align with their own ethical therefore brand purpose is more important than ever before in order for a brand to stand out.

‘Gen Z are demanding and reclaiming back the value of ‘why’ Gen Z  are at the forefront of transforming the narrative on existence back to the ‘good. ‘( Kehinde , n.d.).

Stella McCartney is renowned for it’s purpose with three key concepts at the core of the brand these are; being responsible, being honest and making decisions and practising with an eye towards the future( Londrigan,2018) . This allows consumers to relate to the brand with having similar intentions for the future  and creates a relationship and subsequently brand loyalty, allowing customers to purchase and have a  positive effect on the world. On Stella McCartneys website they have a section titled stella’s world in which is a ‘living celebration of the brand and its heritage’ and therefore creates transparency within the brand’( McCartney , 2023)  In Stella’s world Stella McCartneys purpose of perusing sustainability in their clothing lines is highlighted as well as the idea of purchasing less often but items with lasting value. As a Brand, their purpose is to lessen their negative affect on our planet and therefore have knitwear collections made of recycled cashmere and source their viscose in a way that helps to protect ancient forests. As well as Stella McCartney communicating their purpose to Gen Z consumers by its purpose being prominent on its website and social media they have also created  the ‘shared’ collection which is a specific collection aimed for a younger audience in order to enable them to share their purpose to a larger audience and therefore increase consumer base.  This is one way a brand has communicated they’re purpose to Gen Z by making their purpose obvious on social media and on their website whilst also creating collections targeted at Gen Z consumers in specific.


Fromm, J ( 2019)  Purpose Series: A Purpose-Driven Brand Is A Successful Brand. [online] Forbes. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jefffromm/2019/01/16/purpose-series-a-purpose-driven-brand-is-a-successful-brand [Accessed 30 Oct. 2023].

Inspiring Service – Servicebrand Global | Inspiring Service. (2021). What Is Brand Vision? [online] Available at: http://www.servicebrandglobal.com/what-is-brand-vision/.

[Accessed 30 Oct.2023]

McKinsey & Company (2023). What Is Gen Z? [online] www.mckinsey.com. Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-explainers/what-is-gen-z.

[Accessed 25th Oct.2023]

Longdrigan,p & Jenkins ,J . (2018) University of the Arts London WebLogin. [online] Available at: https://www-bloomsburyfashioncentral-com.arts.idm.oclc.org/encyclopedia?docid=b-9781501303883

 [Accessed 27 Oct. 2023].

Stella McCartney (2022). Stella McCartney GB | Designer RTW, Bags & accessories, Lingerie, Adidas by Stella McCartney, Fragrances, Kids. [online] www.stellamccartney.com. Available at: https://www.stellamccartney.com/gb/en/.

[Accessed 29 Oct.2023]

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