Purpose : A Fashion Brands’ Mission

The motivation. The aim. The purpose that bonds the business together is the criteria that needs to be established before entering the marketing industry. The unique sense of importance in a brand not only helps boost profit, but also brand awareness, and can help alter the perception of the consumer about their values. Sustainable marketing through the pillar ‘Purpose’ is about the strategy of educating and sharing knowledge with the consumer, prioritising transparency as fundamental element. How can a brand use their products as a tool for social and environmental progress? 

A brand’s philosophy is crucial for loyal consumer and company connections. ‘Research in the last few years has stated that the consumers focus is on the brands values and what is being produced for us as a society’ (Finneman, Rahilly and Spagnuolo, 2020). Whether the brand is aiming for luxury or affordability, it is important that they consider ‘the six aspects of brand identity: origin, vison, values, competencies, personality, and brand outputs’(Mitterfellner. O, 2023). Stella McCartney is an example of a self-assured brand stating their values as ‘a vegetarian company’ that uses ‘no leather, feathers, fur or skin’ to promote their commitment to sustainability (StellaMcCartney.com). This transparency is what captures the eye of the public as the brand can tailor to the target audience using design as a tool for social and environmental progress. 

The interchanging fashion system means developing your marketing strategy to distinguish amongst competition. To embed purpose into a company there needs to be a review on company products, people, and processes to analyse what suits the assets of their values (Ezekoye and Luu, 2020). Actions that will help emphasis a brand over competition in this generation is the promotion of sustainable consumption to create a connection with the consumers, through encouraging awareness and enabling their participation. Spreading the values within the company limits the possibility of becoming problematic, as involving the company values with employees strengthens the genuineness. Participating in events and causes creates a visible commitment that reassures buyers of the brands firm actions. 

Design activism implements the act of co-opted revelational ideas that will activate change. A growth within community connections can improve sustainable manufacturing and circular business models. Furthermore, the other strategies brands can consider is collaborations with an activist purpose not just for commercial reasons. Nike’s direct marketing strategy through motivational storey telling has consistently encouraged consumers to achieve their ambitions in sports. ‘If you have a body, you are an athlete’ is an impactful phrase to include everyone as their target market and identifying their brand as diverse and inclusive (Nike.com). 



Finneman. B, Rahilly. L and Spagnuolo. E, McKinsey & Company (2020) Meet Generation Z: Shaping the future of shopping, (Online)Podcast.

https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/meet-generation-z-shaping-the-future-of-shopping(Accessed 23/10/23).

Mitterfellner. O (2023) Luxury Fashion Brand Management: Unifying Fashion with Sustainability, London Routledge Taylor & Francis, ProQuest eBook Central. (p. 59)

https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ual/reader.action?docID=7260416 (Accessed 24/10/23)

Nike (2023) Our mission (Online)

https://about.nike.com/en (Accessed 27/10/23)

Obi Ezekoye and Anthony Luu, McKinsey & Company (2020) Diversity with agility (Online)

https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/divesting-with-agility (Accessed 23/10/23)

Stella McCartney (2023) Sustainability: Our Commitments (Online)

https://www.stellamccartney.com/gb/en/sustainability/our-commitments.html (Accessed 27/10/23)

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