As part of the fourth pillar, the brand’s purpose will be discussed. A brand purpose is a company’s “why” – its reason for being and the things it stands for (Qualtrics, 2023). Therefore, it’s really important that a brand should have a clear and appealing brand purpose in order to tell consumers why this brand exists and find their perfect target customers to make profit.
A brand philosophy which includes the brand’s vision, mission and value proposition are key elements that help to state and prove a brand’s purpose. If a brand has a perfect brand philosophy, this can clearly define the brand’s identity, telling the audience what they stand for and letting consumers understand their unique selling point which helps to separate themselves from their competitors (Burrleese, 2023). When people hear “Just Do It” their first reaction will always be the slogan of the brand Nike, proving how successful Nike has shown their brand purpose to the audience . This helps to push individuals to pursue their aspirations and goals, regardless of any impediments they face and let customers have a clear mind set that what products and services they can get from Nike, result in having a good customer interaction, corporate social responsibility and brand identity (Harvestr, 2023). Moreover, brands with a well-defined philosophy will have a more stable and long-term sustainability. A satisfied brand philosophy can not only attract consumers to purchase with the brand. On the other hand, employees working for the brand will also be motivated, as they know the brand has a professional roadmap that can lead them to the right path and stay nearer to the target goal of the company (Marketing91, 2023).
GenZ as the largest generation on Earth, their opinion is always important and can give different brands a good reference value. Therefore, brands nowadays are working hard on how to catch attention from GenZ and purchase their products. How did they communicate their purpose to the GenZ ? First of all, the use of social media, GenZ is very active on social media sites like Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Facebook etc. These platforms should be used by brands to communicate their brand mission and vision through interesting and eye-catching content, for example,posts, videos, and tales that demonstrate the brand’s commitment to its goal (McKinsey Company, 2023). Nevertheless, collaborations with influencers, celebrities and artists can also increase the probability of their brand being shown by the GenZ. For example, the collaboration of Nike with famous singer Billie Eilish, Billie Elilish as one of the biggest artists among GenZ has 25 million social media followers. This can help Nike to increase their brand uniqueness awareness and exposure, GenZ will be more willing to pay attention or buy Nike because of Billie Eilish. All of this result can be evidence that Bike has done a successful communication to present their brand purpose to GenZ and satisfied more GenZ consumers.
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