When we talk about certain brands being successful and established, it is usually down to them being known for something positive. Whether that be because they are sustainable, deliver responsible values or hold high expectations of themselves, all brands must have a purpose. This week’s fashion pillar on purpose, explores the concept of brand strategies and what plans they put in place, in order for them to excel with ‘fairness, respect and equality’ (McCartney, 2023)
A brand’s philosophy is important to have in place three factors that make up a strategic brand. Mission, where the company looks at where they are currently, this could be in terms of the scale of the company or how much profit there making or as to why the company exists… what is the purpose of the brand? Etc. The next factor is the vision; Where does the brand want to be and what are the future ambitions? Again, this can relate to not just the economic side of the business and how much profit but also social factors including, who do they want to target as their consumers? Or environmental, how do they want to be seen through marketing by new customers? This then goes alongside the concept of values, what is important to the brand and what are they going to put in place to make it effective. An example of a brand who has set out a clear purpose for their customers is Asos, bringing the message across that through their fashion brings a ‘freedom to explore and express yourself without judgement’ and values of ‘bridging the gap between goals and accomplishments’. (ASOS, 2023) As a brand they also set out a strategy to take them up to 2030 called ‘Fashion with Integrity’. This includes visions such as trying to ‘achieve net zero carbon emissions’ and ensuring packaging of the products use sustainable or recycled materials. (ASOS, 2023)
Although different brands target different types of people, it is Gen z that all brands need to communicate their marketing towards. According to (Wilson, 2021) it is digital campfires that ‘have become a force defining not only gen z audiences connect, but also how they experience and shape culture at large’ This suggests that brands not only need to relate to audiences by social media but through gaming platforms and through celebs. It is important for new brands to learn from ‘existing brilliant minds’ (Mitterfellner, 2023). For example Nike did a collaboration with Billie Eilish ‘Highlighting the importance of recycling but also reminds us that we need to take better care of our planet’.(Nike,2022)
McCartney, S., 2023. Stella McCartney. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 28 October 2023].
Asos, 2023 Asos [Online] Available at https://www.asos.com/about/who-we-are/?ctaref=aboutus|whoweare[Accessed 28 October 2023]
Sarah Wilson, 2021 Harvard business Review [Online] Available at https://hbr.org/2021/03/where-brands-are-reaching-gen-z [Accessed 28 October 2023]
Luxury Brand Qualities, Brand Construct and Brand Touchpoints
Mitterfellner, Olga. Luxury Fashion Brand Management : Unifying Fashion with Sustainability, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023.ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ual/detail.action?docID=7260416.
Created from ual on 2023
Nike, 2022, Nike [online] Available at https://about.nike.com/en/newsroom/releases/nike-x-billie-eilish-af1-low [Accesed 28 October 2023]