Purpose, the reason for which something is done or created or the reason why something exists, and this purpose is widely important for business. It justifies them: their value, mission and visions. Having these components is greatly important for composing a business’s strategy and the opposite is also true: ‘strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations (Johnson, 2011).’ 

(Nick, 2021)

According to Mitterfellner, o. (2023) Luxury strategy should strive in order for greater value and for this to be achieved a brand must gain a solid image: through its origin, vision, values, competencies, personality and output. This will lead us to a brands mission. For instance, the Billie Eilish collaboration with Nike was significant in consolidating the brands mission, vision and value, showing where they stand and the important figure taking a stand and making all voices heard sharing her generations values through a brand for the generation. They want to take action to create a better world. New launch uses leftover material and waste from the artists prior work highlighting care and importance of sustainability, (NikexBillie, 2022).

Marketers cannot ignore zers. It is crucial to address and advertise to them as through them other generations will be reached. Generation z is the one that influences the elders and the youngers. A successful platform they’ve managed to do this on is TikTok. The growth was fuelled by covid, and all generations were captured by it. This diverse community drive trends and brands have ‘spearheaded’ some of the most viewed hashtag challenges which has essentially been part of creating user generated commercials. For instance, Simmons a 150-year-old mattress brand released #snoozzzapalooza a challenge which required TikTokers to participate in a bed diving trend with a twist to re-imagine, ‘stage dive’. This trend amassed over 6 billion views and the brand gained 104% increase on views of its site, (Wilson, 2021).

         (Miller,N, 2023)

Another way in which brands have learnt to communicate to Zers is through influencers. However, they must match the brands criteria and have a voice with the right audience. Brands ensure that this is the case through the use of AI as well as other tools to analyse data, which informs them of the commonality between brands, influencers and followers, (Balis, 2023).

Reference list:

Balis, J., (2023). How the best brand-influencer partnerships reach Gen z. [online], available at How the Best Brand-Influencer Partnerships Reach Gen Z new.pdf  (Accessed 26th October 2023)

Ford, G., (2011). Strategic uses of evaluation and performance measurement. [online], available at: https://www.libqual.org/documents/admin/ford.pdf  (Accessed 26th October 2023)

Miller, N., (2023). The best examples of TikTok ADS. [online], available at: https://www.yellowhead.com/blog/best-tiktok-ad-examples/ (accessed 26th October 2023).

Mitterfellner, O., (2023). Luxury fashion brand management, unifying fashion with sustainability. Abingdon: Routledge.

Nick., (2021). Essential visual identity elements to build a memorable personal brand. [online], available at: https://mysignature.io/blog/essential-visual-identity-elements-to-build-a-memorable-personal-brand/ (accessed 26thOctober 2023)

Nikexbillie., (2022). Nike X Billie Eilish AF1 Low. [online], available at: https://about.nike.com/en/newsroom/releases/nike-x-billie-eilish-af1-low  (Accessed 26th October 2023)

Wilson, s., (2021). Where brands are reaching Gen z. [online], available at: https://artslondon-my.sharepoint.com/personal/r_zilkha_fashion_arts_ac_uk/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fr%5Fzilkha%5Ffashion%5Farts%5Fac%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FFBS%20Intro%20To%2FFBS%2DIntro%20To%202023%2FLectures%20and%20Seminars%2FWeek%205%2FWhere%20Brands%20Are%20Reaching%20Gen%20Z%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fr%5Fzilkha%5Ffashion%5Farts%5Fac%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FFBS%20Intro%20To%2FFBS%2DIntro%20To%202023%2FLectures%20and%20Seminars%2FWeek%205&ga=1(Accessed 26th October 2023)

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