
Purpose is the last of the four pillars. Purpose influences every aspect of a fashion brand and is always at the centre of any decision a brand makes, and the brand structure and product development of a fashion brand need to take into account what their purpose is and include the interaction with the consumer. Brand purpose is sometimes a way to get to know the brand quickly and to broaden the range of consumers. Consumers can learn about the fashion philosophy and beliefs of the brand through the brand purpose of the brand, which can drive consumers to make purchases and also attract new target audiences.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an essential element of the branding philosophy and is defined by the European Commission (2017) as “meaning that companies take responsibility for their impact on society”. CSR is inextricably linked to the fashion industry, and each brand applies the concept to its own branding needs. CSR not only helps brands fulfil their desire to help more people, but it also makes their employees more loyal to their brand, which in turn makes the brand more appealing to consumers. Commitment to charity is one of the brand philosophies of some fashion brands. The brand philosophy is also a communication tool between the brand and the outside world, through which the brand communicates its competitiveness to the consumer, proves the brand’s competitive advantage over its competitors, and helps the brand build an image in the minds of its consumers so that they become aware of and interested in the brand.

Brand philosophy and purpose are what Gen Z consumers want brands to communicate to them, and according to interviews with Gen Z consumers, 57% of Gen Z consumers want brands to make a profit while trying to make the world a better place. How to communicate with Gen Z consumers has always been a major concern for brands, as they are considered to be today’s core influencers. Gen Z consumers were born in a very digital age, so communicating with them can be prioritised in a digital way, and Gen Z consumers have a clear preference for shopping on their mobile phones. Gen Z consumers have a clear perception of their needs and preferences; they are increasingly favouring retailers, and they believe that they are more likely to see distinctive designs and pieces than to pay for a luxury brand’s logo when buying a luxury brand’s products.

Overall, the brand in the establishment of their brand philosophy and brand purpose should be clear about their brand positioning, how to establish a brand image, consider who the audience is, consumer demand, and consumption preferences; these are the factors that the brand needs to consider, and the brand should try to meet the needs of consumers because these factors and the brand purpose are closely related to each other; there is an inextricable link between them. The brand also needs to create its own competitive advantage through its philosophy.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (no date). Available at: http://www.bloomsburyfashioncentral.com.arts.idm.oclc.org/bfccoll/encyclopedia-chapter (Accessed: 27 October 2023).

Meet Generation Z: Shaping the future of shopping | McKinsey (no date). Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/meet-generation-z-shaping-the-future-of-shopping (Accessed: 27 October 2023).

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