
Purpose in the fashion industry means to achieve a goal through the long-term strategy of a plan, strategy exists to help people to determine the purpose of the direction and scope of the purpose. for example, asos    set out their goal of achieving a net-zero emissions commitment by 2030, realizing that the brand’s products and packaging are made of sustainable or recyclable materials, product chain transparency and industry inclusiveness. And these are its STRATEGY, his PURPOSE is to protect the environment and the fashion industry, to realize the goal of sustainability. “Delivers positive benefits for people and minimizes its impact on the planet.” “As the next step in our sustainability mission, we’ll be working towards four 2030 goals, under two pillars-planet and people.”(Asos official website). For those strategies, they need a destination which is the purpose. The brand philosophy also very important to a brand and it is divided into three parts which are mission, vision and values. These three parts represent the brand for the present and future and brand operation, it represents a brand in addition to the product and the competitiveness of the brand. The most important thing for a brand to do is to position itself, for example, they need to take a clear stance on social and political issues because social media is the most important source of information for current millennial and generation z consumers, according to the survey “76% of respondents said they have purchased, or would consider purchasing, from a company to show support for the issues the company supports, and 67% had stopped purchasing, or would consider doing so, if a company stood for something that didn’t align with their values.” (Curry, 2020). So, brands need to make good use of social media to communicate their brand messages to consumers. Brand integrity is also important for brands “mission before taking a public stand, lest they be accused of hypocrisy. Next, the company must invest in the issue in a comprehensive manner, meaning going beyond making donations or running a one-time ad campaign.” (Curry, 2020). And it’s also about how a brand operates, not only do they need to take a unified stance internally and externally, but they also need to utilize social media to make a statement to the public such as posting regularly about the racial diversity of their workforce or gender equality, so that the new generation of consumers will be supportive of the brand, and so that the brand can accomplish its profit goals. The brand supply chain is also a part of value, which is define for “the complex collaboration of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, dealers, customers, and so on to ensure a seamless production and delivery of finished goods.”(Londrigan and Jenkins,2021).Vision of brand also important cause It determines the future of ambition. For example, Stella McCartney is a brand where they say their vision is to “We are committed to doing our part in helping to create a better and more equal world, as envisioned in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

We believe that the future of fashion is circular – it will be restorative and regenerative by design and the clothes we love never end up as waste.” (Stella M ccartney Webiste).And for most of fashion brands the final destination is sustaibility. Then the fashion brand mission exists for the reason that designers created it in the first place and a promise to the consumer. For instance,Zara “Zara is committed to satisfying the desires of our customers. We pledge to provide new designs made from quality materials that are affordable” (Adam, 2014) and Gucci: “Gucci is a world-renowned Italian fashion brand dedicated to the exploration of modern luxury, producing fashion-forward, eco-conscious designs.”(Gucci Website). So those are the brand pjilosophy.

And nowadays, Gen Z has become a target demographic for many businesses. So they want to communicate the purpose to them. “Digital campfires became a force defining not only how Gen Z audiences connect, but also how they experience and shape the culture at large. For this reason, marketers can no longer afford to ignore them.” (Wilson, 2021) For the digital age, BUSINESS needs to take advantage of everything there is about DIGITAL. Not only use the digital things but also create some interesting brand story to attract them “personalized “for you” feeds on their phones, filled with photos videos and memes” “Cross boundaries to stand out” (Bails,2023) become different also a chance to attract them. And “this generation expects the brands they love to stand for something.’ (Fromm, 2019). Those are useful ways to attract them.


Reference List

  • Asos announces ambitious new 2030 ESG goals (no date) ASOS plc. Available at: https://www.asosplc.com/news/asos-announces-ambitious-new-2030-esg-goals/ (Accessed: 25 October 2023). 
  • Curry, L. (2020) How brands can follow through on the values they’re sellingHarvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/2020/08/how-brands-can-follow-through-on-the-values-theyre-selling (Accessed: 26 October 2023). 
  • Londrigan,M and Jenkins,J (2021) Fashion Supply Chain Management. Available at:https://www-bloomsburyfashioncentral-com.arts.idm.oclc.org/encyclopedia?docid=b-9781501317798 (Accessed: 26 October 2023). 
  • Our vision (no date) Social Sustainability | Stella McCartney US. Available at: https://www.stellamccartney.com/us/en/sustainability/social-sustainability.html (Accessed: 26 October 2023). 
  • Adam, P. (2014) The Strategic Management Analysis of Zara (relative to the case in developing countries)Academia.edu. Available at: https://www.academia.edu/5492552/The_Strategic_Management_Analysis_of_ZARA_Relative_to_the_Case_in_Developing_Countries_ (Accessed: 26 October 2023). 
  • About Gucci: Gucci® (no date) About Gucci | GUCCI®. Available at: https://www.gucci.com/us/en/st/about-gucci (Accessed: 26 October 2023). 
  • Wilson, S. (2021) Where brands are reaching gen ZHarvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/2021/03/where-brands-are-reaching-gen-z (Accessed: 26 October 2023). 
  • Fromm, J. (2019) Gen-z and the three elements of Purpose BrandsForbes. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jefffromm/2019/07/26/gen-z-and-the-three-elements-of-purpose-brands/ (Accessed: 26 October 2023). 
  • Bails, J, (2023) How the Best Brand-Influencer Partnerships Reach Gen Z. Available at: https://hbr.org/2023/06/how-the-best-brand-influencer-partnerships-reach-gen-z?ab=at_art_art_1x4_s02 (Accessed: 26 October 2023). 

Reference List For Images

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