
The world of fashion is a complex and ever-evolving realm, driven by a dynamic interplay of various essential components. Among these, the pillar of people stands as a crucial and irreplaceable element, underpinning the entire industry. Fashion is not just about clothing, accessories, or trends; it’s a reflection of our culture, values, and individual identities. The people involved in fashion, ranging from designers and artisans to consumers and influencers, contribute to shaping the industry’s fabric. This pillar encompasses the diverse group of individuals who play a vital role at every stage of the fashion cycle, from conception and design to production and consumption (Ninimäki, 2018).

Gen Z


Gen Z, the generation born roughly between 1997 and 2012, is known for their tech-savvy nature, progressive ideals, and a passion for reshaping the world through digital innovation and social change (McKinsey & Company, 2023). Gen Z, often referred to as “digital natives” (Prensky, 2001), this refers to individuals who have grown up with technology and the internet. With their similar characteristics, in that Gen Z are often characterised by their digital fluency, socially conscious mindset, and desire for authenticity, they represent a generation that is reshaping the way we interact, communicate, and address societal issues (McKinsey & Company, 2018).

Gen Z – Relation to fashion 

To attract Gen Z, fashion brands need to prioritize sustainability, inclusivity, authenticity (McKinsey & Company 2019), and digital engagement while also aligning with the values and aspirations of this socially conscious generation. Most importantly brands should focus on diversity and inclusion. Brands should represent various ethnicities, body types, and genders in their advertising and product offerings. Authentic diversity and inclusivity will resonate with this generation. With the rise in the use of TikTok over 63% of Gen Z say they use TikTok every day (ypulse, 2023) bands should be capitalising on Gen Z’s use of the platform.

Skills needed for a fashion brand to be successful?


Success in the fashion industry often depends on a combination of creative and business awareness, along with strong people skills. The ability to collaborate, lead, and relate to others is as important as the ability to create innovative and attractive designers. The most important factor that a fashion brand should focus on is diversity and inclusion (McKinsey & Company, 2021). An example of a brand that has encompassed the necessary people skills needed for a fashion brand to be successful is Good American by Khloe Kardashian. Good Americans brand’s goals are about “female empowerment and building a community of women that feel seen, heard, beautiful, and confident” (Kardashian, 2023). This can be seen being put into practice, with the use of a range of diverse and inclusive models wearing the clothes. This is especially important to project onto a Gen Z audience as it celebrates different body types so that consumers can relate to the product.


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Fig.1A Hunt, K. (2017). Is The Fashion World Finally Getting Diversity? [online] ELLE. Available at:

Fig.2A Francis, T. and Hoefel, F. (2018). ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and Its Implications for Companies. [online] McKinsey & Company. Available at:

Fig.1 PAGE Magazine. (n.d.). Trends Today, Gone Tomorrow: How Gen Z Is Investing In Their Wardrobes. [online] Available at:

Fig.2 GameSpot. (n.d.). TikTok Studio Is Getting Into Gaming In A Bigger Way, Report Says. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 Oct. 2023].

Fig.3 fernandatronco (n.d.). Victoria’s Secret Launches Their Newest And Most Inclusive Campaign. [online] Grazia Middle East. Available at:

Fig.4 Garnett, A.E., Richard Gray, Bay (2019). London’s best vintage shops you need to know. [online] Evening Standard. Available at:

Fig.5 govisetech (2021). Personalization in the Fashion Industry: What is the Future? [online] GoVise Technologies. Available at:

Fig.6 Gupta, P. (2023). Fast Fashion’s Wake: Balancing Style, Waste, and Ethics in the Fashion Industry. [online] Medium. Available at: [Accessed 15 Oct. 2023].

Fig.7 Ettinger, J. (2022). Size Inclusivity and Sustainable Denim: How Good American Jeans Tackle Fashion’s 2 Biggest Problems. [online] Ethos. Available at:

Sustainable Fashion in a Circular Economy K I R S I N I I N I M Ä K I (Ed.). (n.d.). Available at:

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YPulse. (n.d.). Just How Big Has TikTok Use Gotten Among Gen Z?[online] Available at:

McKinsey (2023). What is Gen Z? | McKinsey. [online] Available at: (n.d.). Diversity in the fashion industry | Diversity and Inclusion | McKinsey & Company. [online] Available at:

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