People – how gen z have revolutionised the fashion industry

It is the human touch that gives materials life, incorporates stories, and cultures into patterns, and gives trends a unique shape – which is why it could be argued that people play the most crucial role of the four fundamental pillars. In this current era of fashion, the human touch remains paramount. With the rise of generation z as consumers, values have shifted, now emphasising sustainability, authenticity, and individuality, what must brands do in order to remain relevant in the eyes of this generation? 

Gen z place a high importance on representation through equality, diversity, and inclusion. By prioritising this, brands can show they are aware of the various identities and emerging viewpoints present within current society. Some may foster a sense of inclusion and acceptance to align with the generations values by featuring a varied range of authentic people using or wearing their products as part of their promotional strategy. To further this commitment, brands could actively foster an inclusive and diverse workplace culture as well as showing support to charitable organisations that advance equality. This would help a brand develop connections with clients in the gen z demographic.

Djerf Avenue is an example of a newly established brand which gained quick popularity due to founder and social media influencer, Matilda Djerf, and her implementation of ethical values, diverse models and wide range of clothing sizes available. ‘Authenticity is a major priority at Djerf Avenue, where models and photos are never retouched’ (Forbes 2022). The brand displayed garments for various body types, most notably wheelchair users, in an innovative catwalk show in NYC. This bold action highlighted the brand’s dedication to embracing diversity. The rise of Djerf Avenue acts as a light for gen z consumers looking for authenticity and representation.

For a fashion brand to earn respect from the perspective of gen z customers, it is essential to stay current with changing trends and gen z’s influence, enhanced through social media platforms. They must understand new technologies in order to create innovative ideas, therefore, adaptability is crucial. Due to generation z’s reliance on social media platforms like TikTok, who make up over 60% of the apps users (McKinsey & Company, 2023), brands must alter their marketing techniques to successfully relate to the audience and their demand for a more diversified industry, putting emphasis on how important it is for these companies to incorporate varied representation.

To connect with Generation Z’s beliefs and aspirations in this rapidly changing fashion scene, brands must embrace authenticity, diversity, and technological adaptability. This will ensure lasting relevance and meaningful connections.


Gustaf Lundberg Toresson (2022). Matilda Djerf on starting as a creator and building an inclusive fashion brand. [accessed 13th October 2023]

McKinsey & Company (2023). What is Gen Z? [online] [accessed 14 October 2023]

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