People have a big influence over the fashion industry, from tends, styles, design through to cultures and beliefs, religion, individuality and generation, which can all differ on what is fashionable, appropriate and stylish. People choose how they want to dress and how they want to stand out in society, these choices are affected by age, background and technology.
Gen Z have had a big influenced on the fashion industry over the past couple of years. Changing the way, the industry is run and how it thinks. Generation Z comprises of people born between 1996 and 2010. ‘This generation’s identity has been shaped by the digital age, climate anxiety, a shifting financial landscape and covid 19.’ (What is Gen Z? (2023) McKinsey & Company. McKinsey & Company.) Gen Z are the second youngest generation with millennials before them and generation alpha after. Gen Z have taken a new approach to fashion; modern, experimentive and bold. They are more openminded with fashion and gender, allowing for inclusivity throughout the industry. Ignoring toxic masculinity, toxic traits and stereotyping, instead allowing people to be expressive with their fashion, giving a fresh outlook to the industry itself. Harry Styles is a key advocate for being expressive and ignoring toxic masculinity within the fashion industry. Individualistic with his style disregarding the idea that dresses are for woman and pants are for men. Gen Zs are more sustainable and socially aware as consumers choosing clothes based around certain choices, such as how it was made, where it was made, who made it and was it sustainable and ethical. ‘Sustainability and ethics are growing in importance for Gen Z (…) In 2021, 51.3% (…) environmental and ethical sustainability was either fairly or very important. This year, (…) grown to 57.7%.’ (Moran, G. (2022) Gen Z and Millennials 2022, Drapers.) Now more than ever Gen Z are being more sustainable with fashion through platforms such as Vinted and Depop for example allowing us to shop more second-hand and feel we are contributing to a greener the planet. An example of how brands have responded to the idea of diversity is not just through a person but the ideas a diverse board within a brand can bring to the table. Through gender, religion, culture, race and age, where everyone is expected to have a say. Savage X Fenty is an example of a brand who have demonstrated this. They have featured some ground-breaking people in the industry; transgender, disabled and plus sized models. (Are There Any DEI Brands? — Remake) Which shows the diversity of the brand and the idea of inclusivity.
Being a Gen Z means it’s important we have a digital presence. This necessitates brands needing digital platforms such as online stores, blogs, newspapers and ads on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Brands need to be influential through the use of ‘who’s wearing it?’. Having celebrities wear their clothes and doing collaborations is key to their sustainability and remaining relevant. For example, Joy Crooks X Adidas, Harry Style X Gucci, Emma Chamberlain X Levi’s, etc. This keeps the brand attractive by being relatable to the younger audience (Gen Z). Brands such as Stella McCartney, Patagonia and Levi’s have an influential present in the industry due to inclusivity, not just through the looks but ideas. Them standing out and being different allows for modernity. The pricing of clothes allows brands to attract the younger generation, being affordable to everyone not just to one class, being ethical and sustainable in the modern world of fashion has become paramount to a brands success.
Fashion brands need key people skills such as awareness to be successful in the industry. This allows them to keep up with what’s going on in the world, how to be inclusive and open minded, ‘this generation’s search for truth. Gen Zers value individual expression and avoid labels.’ (Francis, T. and Hoefel, F. (2018). ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies). Which allows for new outlooks on clothing and fashion in the industry. Showing the progressiveness of the brand. But also, influentially, changing the way people think about fashion and allow them to have a more modern and update view in society.
What is Gen Z? (2023) McKinsey & Company. McKinsey & Company. (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).
Are There Any DEI Brands? — Remake (Online(. Available at:,regions%20in%20which%20they%20operate. (Accessed: 14.10.2023)
Moran, G. (2022) Gen Z and Millennials 2022, Drapers. (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).
Francis, T. and Hoefel, F. (2018). ‘True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023)
Molson (2023) Savage X Fenty Lingerie by Rihanna teams up with GLAAD for first-ever Pride collection, GLAAD. (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).
Thomas, A. (no date) Generation Z Fashion, This Is York. (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).
Staff, W. (2022) Adidas collaborates with Joy Crookes to get young creatives running., Wonderland. (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).
LEVI’S® x EMMA CHAMBERLAIN (no date) Jeans, Denim Jackets & Clothing. (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).
Poidevin, |By Coline (2023) Gucci and Harry Styles collaborate on the ‘HA HA HA’ collection – MLA, My Love Affair. (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).
Rodgers, D. (2020) Just how revolutionary is Harry Styles’ Vogue cover?, Dazed. Dazed Digital. (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).
Rihanna invites fans to star in next Savage X Fenty campaign to celebrate two-year anniversary (no date) Yahoo! Yahoo! (Online(. Available at: (Accessed: 14.10.2023).