Hello! Another week of the blog, today I will be touching on the Pillar “People”. Let’s begin with Gen Z, difficult type of crowd I’d say. With myself being a Gen Z I can assure you that we do have the most integrated and connected network compared to the other generations as we are the babies of technology after all. Looking back to my childhood I reminisce on the times where I would get a new game or new computer and play with my friends, the excitement from that was unmatched. Eventually the teenage years creep up and you get your first smartphone, social media gets installed., and opens a whole new world of individuality and gives people the ability to express themselves through online platforms. McKinsey & Company et al.(2023) stated “Gen Z loves expressive clothes, wants to stand out rather than fit in, and has an ever-changing style” although those points are very prominent to distinctiveness, it can be difficult for the producer to keep up with our everchanging style and trends.
“Teens today represent one of the most powerful consumer forces in the world” Jeff Fromm, Angie Read Gen Z: the rules for reaching this vast, and very different, generation of influencers, AMACOM, New York. Available from: ProQuest Ebook.(2015) this quote illustrates the fact that producers must consider our generation as their foremost priority therefore considering Gen Z and their beliefs such as diversity and individuality, which was touched upon earlier. A brand that encompasses this is Mara Hoffman, they work with BIFC (Black in Fashion Council) to incorporate inclusivity in the apparel industry, they also use a range of models from different sizes and ethnicity. Furthermore, they have a wide range of sizes. Sustainability is also an important factor that they include in their brand, which is specifically appealing to the Gen Zer’s and our strong views on climate change.
Working collaboratively in a workplace is a key feature for a successful fashion brand, what else? There’s an abundance of options but I will explain my key people skills for success. First, I’d like to focus on communication, this is one of the most necessary people skills there is for a business. Without the ability to communicate to your colleagues there will be no way of achieving anything effectively, simple as that. Studying and respecting cultural differences is so important for a workplace as elucidated here “In some cultures workers typically expect a greater level of empathy in professional relationships, whereas in others, communications are often far more direct” Michael Page et al(2022). Until my next blog, have a wonderful rest of your week.
Michael Page
Mara Hoffman
Marketing to Gen Z eBook