Gen Z is the generation born between 1995 and 2010. They have been brought up around technology and have adapted their everyday to be able to switch between work and play with ease. As a result, they can take information from multiple different sources at one such as mobile phones, computers, televisions etc. For many people in this generation, they use social media to access information like the news and current trends. This is very important for the promotion of brands because advertising on social media brings in their target audience based on data from customers. 

Because of the incline in the use of social media, fashion brands have multiple platforms that they can use to promote and sell their products. Using algorithms and data they can target people with certain interest to gain more attention to their products. ‘In total, 87.7% of Gen Z and millennial consumers use apps to buy fashion at least occasionally, up from 85.5% last year.’ (Moran, 2022) Therefore brands may now start to use online advertising more often because of the convenience for consumers to look at their brand and possibly go onto buying from them. (Moran, 2022)

The promotion of diversity from fashion brands is very important to Gen Z. This is because it shows consumers that the brand believes in equal rights and supports different cultures and sexualities. Therefore, consumers are willing to purchase from the brand because of their visible support towards minority groups. Lizzo, the famous musician has created her own line of ‘gender- affirming shapewear.’ (Indeka, Ventura & Houghton. 2023) Lizzo is a popular celebrity that has an influence on her fans she can persuade people to by her products because she is promoting inclusivity with her brand. Ultimately other brands can achieve this by having a celebrity model their products who is in touch and relevant to Gen Z.

Due to the increase of customers and consumers viewing and buying clothes online there is a significant demand from fashion brands for workers who have a background in technology. These employees are useful because they have experience in social media and online marketing. This means that they can develop better ways that are more convenient for consumers to buy online for example if they see a post and see an item, they’re interested in they may be able to click on the post and be directed to the brands website and to the product. Convenience is a huge factor for Gen Z and they’re now more likely to purchase a product online instead of in store. Ultimately online media is currently the best way for brands to promote and sell clothes.

Indeka, M. Ventura, I. & Houghton, O. (2023) LS:N Global, Inclusive Fashion Market.

Moran, G. (2022) Drapers, Gen Z and Millennials 2022

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