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Without people interested in fashion, the industry simply would not exist. People are key in deciding the direction of which trends flow and allow through purchasing clothes, generate the necessary funds for businesses to operate. 

Certain brands put a heavy on focus on appealing to different age demographics e.g., streetwear brands focus on Generation Z (gen Z). Gen Z, described as digital Natives (Francis and Hoefel 2018) (people born between 1995 – 2010) is quickly becoming the most influential demographic because of their Hypercognitive nature and being increasingly comfortable to collect and cross reference many pieces of information (Mckinsey, 2023). A study in Brazil (where Gen Z already makes up 20% of the population) by Box1824 found that Gen Z is more realistic than Millennials, being highly analytical when making decisions while also seeking out ways to be more individual (Mckinsey, 2022). 

Over 92% of Gen Z order clothes online or via mobile app (Drapes, 2023); this suggests that companies must put a focal point on improving their website infrastructure and online advertising if they are to attract Gen Z customers. Moreover, brands must benefit from the rise of influencers on social media sites like TikTok. These influencers have already spent time gaining the trust of the desired consumers this allows brands to target specific demographics within Gen Z, for example, brands like Gym shark collaborating with fitness influencers to reach their intended audience. Furthermore, to fulfil Gen Z’s need for individuality brands must think about introducing methods to personalise their products; brands like Uniqlo have successfully implemented instore customisation for tee shirts. This has contributed to Uniqlo annual profits increasing by 18% (Reuters, 2023) which suggests personalised can lead to increased revenue. 

Diversity has been an extremely significant topic for Gen Z, so in turn brands must respond and ensure their entire customer base is made to feel included. Skims has achieved this through celebrating a diverse range of models of ages, ethnicity, and size, this empowers women to be themselves (Eddie Star, 2023). A lack of diversity can only hurt a brand such as when H&M used a black child as the model for a T-shirt with the phrase “coolest monkey in the jungle” on the front; this led H&M’s largest quarterly sales decrease in more than a decade (J Israel Green, 2020).  

In an Industry dominate by people, specific skills are needed to manage challenging situations; these include listening and empathy as being able to relate to designers, management or marketing will bear the most benefits from a relationship. However, I.T skills are becoming ever more important as the increasing rise of A.I suggests adaptability is needed to succeed in fashion. 


Byers, R. (2023) What brands can learn from the evolution of influencer marketingThe Goat Agency. Available at:,credibility%20and%20maximizing%20their%20ROI. (Accessed: 13 October 2023). 

Starr, E. (2023) #breaking barriers: How Kim Kardashian’s skims became a symbol of empowermentLinkedIn. Available at: (Accessed: 10 October 2023). 

Francis, T. and Hoefel, F. (2018) ‘true gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companiesMcKinsey & Company. Available at: (Accessed: 11 October 2023). 

J Israel Greene, C. (2020) Lack of diversity: Here is what is at stakeLinkedIn. Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2023). 

Moran, G. (2023) Gen Z and millennials 2023 reportDrapers. Available at: (Accessed: 13 October 2023). 

Swift, R. (2023) Uniqlo owner Fast Retailing sees 18% rise in annual profit, plans more stores in ChinaReuters. Available at: (Accessed: 11 October 2023). 

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