The Purpose Pillar

Within every brand and company there is always a strategy and a purpose which are connected. These create a strong force to engage consumers that little bit more.

The purpose pillar talks on why companies need a purpose and how strategic thinking like creating plans and giving journeys a destination brings up a company. Purpose defines as ‘The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists’ (Brooker, 2018). The 3 sectors to a purposeful company are MISSION, VISION, VALUES. Answering and figuring out these 3 sectors ends in with a companies purpose which then brings things like individuality and creative marketing into place for companies. Aswell as answering lot of questions for brands and bringing all these positive aspects, it also answers the question of ‘what would the world lose if you disappeared’. An example of a company with a strong purpose and a strong set of values is John Lewis. They’re predominantly value focus and throughout the years this has created a trust with their customers especially over Christmas. Using heartfelt stories to advertise their products in a subtle but intelligent way but keeping their strong moral compass. To do these they use a high marketing and production budget as-well as exhibit their adverts on Web 2.0 platforms such as YouTube but also shortened versions on television and in cinemas.

Brand philosophy is important because nowadays their is the ability to get products quicker and you are able to get absolute anything you want whenever you want but a brand with a stronger philosophy also yes has the quick access but stands out and is alot more endearing. Another reason of why brand philosophy is important is because their are so many different brands nowadays with different missions, values and propoisitions creating a strong want for brands to up their philophsys. Brands communicatee their purpose to gen z’s In many different ways, some through marketing others through product placement. Nike did a collaboration with Billie Eilish which hugely gained gen z’s as Eilish is a hugely famous popstar in this generation. Asos used one of Szas song titles in their Logan of ‘Our vision is to be the worlds number one fashion destination for fashion loving 20 somethings’, the song ’20 something’ a highly streamed song among generational z’ers. 

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