Purpose, something everything in existence has, but how does it relate to fashion brands? It is especially important to consider purpose in a fashion business as it gives a sense of general direction towards an end goal. An excellent way to achieve an understanding of a brands purpose is dividing it into four segments: mission, vision, value and proposition. “Nike has set itself three new goals that it’s hoping to hit for fiscal 2020: (1) minimize its environmental footprint, (2) transform its manufacturing, and (3) unleash human potential” (Londrigan, Michael P, Jenkins, Jacqueline M. (2018) Fashion supply chain management: New York, Fairchild Books, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishin Inc.) This is a brilliant example of a strategy and how Nike has created a vision. Another brand that stood out to me is ASOS, they have a section on their website that presents their purpose and values which, to a consumer, can be rather appealing as it gives them an understanding of their vision and goals, not behind closed doors thus creates a close connection with the consumer and the brand. “We believe in a world where you have the freedom to explore and express yourself without judgement, no matter who you are or where you’re from.” ASOS(2023) This is a clear representation of ASOS’ proposal to their purpose within their brand, which also was selected wisely as this is a very appealing choice of words for the consumer, Gen Z, as expressing yourself without judgement is a fundamental point this generation would most definitely agree with. Emphasising a purpose and the brands vision to the public is a way of connecting with them on another level, a way to build a community and relationship with customers. It is important that a brand does this as it builds an identity for itself. 

   Spoken about throughout this whole blog journey, Gen Z. The generation that brings individuality to a different level, understands the importance of accepting others and creating a strong community in person and social media. One of Africa’s leading sneaker retailers, Shelflife, and Jordan is collaborating to create a new Air Jordan 2. The team of Shelflife is unified by a spirit of obuntu “I am because we are.” Nike(October 14, 2022) this is actually Jordans first Africa-based collaboration, bringing diversity into the brand and a strong message that can resonate to the generation Z. Nike did a collaboration with Billie Eilish, she stated “I want my collaborations with Nike to tell a story that not only highlights the importance of recycling but also reminds us that we need to take better care of our planet” Nike(November 30, 2022) this has a strong purpose in itself, emphasises their collaboration stands for something and has a message and story behind it. Gen Z is also the greatest advocates for acting upon sustainability.


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