Purpose is the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists (Oxford Languages and Google – English (2023) Oxford Languages). The meaning behind a design or piece allows for successful business. Purpose of clothing is different for all people from gender, age and background to religion and culture. The idea of purpose is strategizing. Within the fashion industry, brands discuss what they are wanting to achieve this season to stand out. Strategizing their purpose and goals to profit. ‘Fashion is not just about clothing’ but also about the way we ‘carry ourselves and … present ourselves to the world’. It is a form of self-expression which tells the world who we are and what we believe. (Sajid, S. (2023) Fashion- meaning, purpose & importance., Medium. Medium.)
Brand philosophy is the idea of ‘ways of doing things’ and the belief in that method. (What Is Brand Philosophy? [+How To Find Yours] (2023) Brand Master Academy). The importance of this allows brands to succeed in the fashion industry and stand out. The main purposes in brand philosophy and its importance is mission, vision and value. Mission refers to the idea of ‘where are we now’ and ‘why do we exist’. Vision refers to ‘where do you want to be’ and ‘our future ambitions’. Value refers to ‘what is important to us’ and ‘how do we want to operate’. However, different generations have different missions, visons and values within fashion. Meaning focusing strategies to a specific audience such as sustainability and inclusivity to generation z. Since gen z is more ethically aware than other generations such as gen x and millennials. John Lewis, Stella McCartney and Nike are advocates of this idea because they have their own unique methods, vison and values within the industry. Stella McCartney sustainability, Nike inclusivity and John Lewis emotive with their Christmas adverts. Sales rise at Christmas with a ‘6.9% increase’ (Parsons, R. (2014) John Lewis marketing activity boosts Christmas sales, Marketing Week. Marketing Week). This is due to the emotive side of the advert which allows watchers to relate in their own way. Brands need to consider ‘consumers live in a fusion world of the digital and physical expecting brands to reach them on all possible channels’ (Mitterfellner. O, 2019), this idea shows that brands need to move on from the past and allow for new ideas to grow their brand philosophy.
Brands communicate their purpose to gen z using digital campfires, collaborations and inclusivity/sustainability.
“Gen Z and millennials—are upturning retailers’ expectations’ (Meet Generation Z: Shaping the future of shopping (2020) McKinsey & Company. McKinsey & Company).
Digital campfires is defined as ‘micro-communities of people communicating together’ (https://www.alladvertising.co.uk/digital-campfires-what arethey/#:~:text=A%20digital%20campfire%20is%20a,communities%20of%20people%20communicating%20together%27). The benefits allow the ability to personalise a brand marketing message. Through collecting and analysing data on consumers browsing and purchasing behaviour. (Segal, D. (2023) How Digital Marketing Has Impacted The Fashion Industry, LinkedIn). Collaborations grant consumers to relate to the brand more. For example, Nike did a collaboration with Billy Eilish which brought a new audience into the brand (Nike x Billie Apparel Collection Release Date (2022) United States). Influencer partnership shows a new purpose to consumers, the collection; clothes, shoes, accessories, etc which should fit the personality of the brand and relate to their image, which Nike has able to pull off in all their collaborations.
Having a diverse and inclusivity team within the fashion industry allows for original ideas. But making sure that specific role such as ‘social media manger’ fit the person who is working there. Having someone who is similar age to the target audience in charge. As they know/understand what they want. Making the brand more relatable. Nevertheless, brands must also stand by what they are representing. For example, the H&M scandal which questions how sustainable they really are- the brand is known for greenwash. Furthermore, being aware when communicating ideas. Victoria’s Secret is an example of a brand that has over done the idea of diversity and inclusivity in their recent 2023 campaign. This is due the fact that it doesn’t reflect into their stores and have only done this due to the global pressure. (Limited, N. R. (2023) Victoria’s Secret: Luxury Bras, Knickers, Lingerie, Sleepwear & Beauty, Victoria’s Secret Icon.)
Oxford Languages and Google – English (2023) Oxford Languages. (Online(.Available at: https://languages.oup.com/google-dictionary-en/ (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
Sajid, S. (2023) Fashion- meaning, purpose & importance., Medium. Medium. (Online(.Available at: https://medium.com/@saharsajid91/fashion-meaning-purpose-importance-12292406e372#:~:text=Fashion%20is%20not%20just%20about%20clothing%3B%20it%20is%20also%20about,individuality%20and%20our%20unique%20personalities (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
What Is Brand Philosophy? [+How To Find Yours] (2023) Brand Master Academy.(Online(. Available at: https://brandmasteracademy.com/brand-philosophy/#:~:text=Brand%20Philosophy%20refers%20to%20the,is%20that%20important%20to%20us%3F (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
Parsons, R. (2014) John Lewis marketing activity boosts Christmas sales, Marketing Week. Marketing Week. (Online(.Available at: https://www.marketingweek.com/john-lewis-marketing-activity-boosts-christmas-sales/# (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
Meet Generation Z: Shaping the future of shopping (2020) McKinsey & Company. McKinsey & Company. (Online(.Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/meet-generation-z-shaping-the-future-of-shopping (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
(Mitterfellner. O, 2019) fashion communication; theory and practice across the fashion industry.
Segal, D. (2023) How Digital Marketing Has Impacted The Fashion Industry, LinkedIn. (Online(.Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-digital-marketing-has-impacted-fashion-industry-damon-segal#:~:text=One%20of%20the%20key%20benefits,customers%27%20browsing%20and%20purchase%20behaviour (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
Nike x Billie Apparel Collection Release Date (2022) United States. (Online(.Available at: https://www.nike.com/gb/launch/t/nike-billie-apparel-collection (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
Limited, N. R. (2023) Victoria’s Secret: Luxury Bras, Knickers, Lingerie, Sleepwear & Beauty, Victoria’s Secret Icon. (Online(.Available at: https://www.victoriassecret.co.uk/ (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
Stacey White, V. P. (2022) The fashion of purpose, PR Week. PR Week Global. (Online(.Available at: https://www.prweek.com/article/1794828/fashion-purpose (Accessed: 28/10/2023).
Mitterfellner, O. (2023) Chapter 3- Luxury Brand Qualities, Brand Construct and Brand Touchpoints