
The fourth pillar purpose is discussing that fashion brands need a mission, vision, and value to operate. Mission, vision, and value show that a brand has its own aim and core idea to attract consumers.

The brand philosophy is important because people who work for fashion brands need to follow their brand’s mission and vision to work in the right direction. The consumer can know a brand better through the philosophy and figure out if the brand matches their needs. Nudie Jeans is a brand that is committed to sustainability, according to their official website their vision is: “To become the world’s most sustainable denim company” (Nudie Jeans Co, 2021). Nudie Jeans provides no-charge repair service for customers so that the jeans can be worn for a longer period of time (Gwilt, 2020). Fig.1 is a photo of their repair shop. This brand pays more attention to extending the lifetime of their products and wishes their consumer won’t quickly get rid of the old jeans. They posted their sustainability report so that consumers can acknowledge how they are trying and working to be sustainable, customer who also looks highly at sustainable issues will possibly be attracted. The figures below are the data from their sustainability report. 65386 pairs of jeans were repaired in 2022, organic cotton was used for 6 years, and 95.6% of the fibers Nudie Jeans used are sustainable (Nudie Jeans Co, 2022).

Gen Z can be acknowledged of the brands’ philosophy through various media: billboards, social media accounts, advertisement campaigns, and so on. But first, think about how Gen Z shopping most of the time. Gen Z enjoys online shopping, probably they are attracted by a product on Instagram then simply press the Shop now button and finish online shopping (McKinsey & Company, 2020). At this time, brands should carefully operate their social media accounts, and promote the brand properly, and it is a good chance to show the brand philosophy. For instance, introduce the brand’s mission and vision statement in the introduction part of Instagram. Moreover, Gen Z shops not only in retailers but also through various formats, they shop in pop-up stores, buyers’ shops, and online (McKinsey & Company, 2020). In buyers’ shops, several brands are selling their products in one store, so brands should think of how they can stand out. Advertisement is very important at this time and eye-catching billboards can be used to attract potential and target customers. 

Reference List

Gwilt, A. (2020) A Practical Guide to Sustainable Fashion, Bloomsbury Fashion Central, Bloomsbury Visual Arts (Online) https://www-bloomsburyfashioncentral-com.arts.idm.oclc.org/encyclopedia?docid=b-9781350067059 (Accessed: 28 October 2023)

McKinsey & Company (2020) Meet Generation Z: Shaping the future of shopping Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/meet-generation-z-shaping-the-future-of-shopping (Accessed: 28 October 2023) 

Nudie Jeans Co (2022) Nudie Jeans Sustainability Report 2022 Available at: https://downloads.ctfassets.net/7er3lxiqbzqz/V6srjA1Xv9WKh31tRsvpw/7a93b99691abcf1e8c25895d6747c922/NJCO_Sustainability_Report_2022.pdf (Accessed: 28 October 2023) 

Nudie Jeans Co (2014) Welcome to Nudie Jeans Repair Shop JKBG, Stockholm Available at: https://www.nudiejeans.com/blog/welcome-to-nudie-jeans-repair-shop-jkbg-stockholm?utm_medium=Tweet&utm_source=Twitter&utm_campaign=BSjkbgopening&epik=dj0yJnU9NXhxSzEweU43OFkzWHMxa2o1OHBKMzZwYTVMeGxYUnkmcD0wJm49anh4NU5xbzZsZlRyQ19HQm84NDZRdyZ0PUFBQUFBR1U5WUU0 (Accessed: 28 October 2023)

Nudie Jeans Co (2021) Our Vision: To Become the World’s Most Sustainable Denim Company Available at: https://www.nudiejeans.com/blog/sustainability-report-2020 (Accessed: 28 October 2023)

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