The purpose of a brand is an important aspect of a businesses identity and plays a significant role, specifically with more recent generations, in whether a consumer will purchase a product. For a brand to succeed and attract consumers, they must ensure their mission, their vision, and their values are at the forefront of everything they do. ‘Brand purpose is a company’s “why”- its reason for being and the things it stands for’ (Qualtrics, 2023).
A brand’s philosophy is just as significant in attracting consumers as the product itself. Although in the past consumers were concerned with what a brand stood for, this has become increasingly more important in recent generations. Millennials and Gen Z specifically, expect companies to incorporate their values in everything they create as well as ‘establish clear stances on social and political issues’ (Curry, 2020). In fact, a 2018 survey from DoSomething found that ‘76% of respondents said they have purchased or would consider purchasing from a company to show support for the issues the company supports, and 67% had stopped purchasing or would consider doing so, if a company stood for something that didn’t align with their values’ (Curry, 2020). As such, a business’s values and how they portray their purpose to consumers, can heavily determine whether an individual will buy from a particular brand.
However, a brand cannot simply just voice their values, they must be active in what they state they believe in. A company must invest in the issue in a comprehensive manner, meaning going beyond making donations or running a one-time ad campaign, they must communicate about given issues in a way that demonstrates the company understands the nuances of the issue and deeply cares about the topic. For example, a company cannot decide that it wants to invest in racial equity and expect to make structural change overnight, but rather must first infuse into their internal operations, values, and mission before taking a public stand (Curry,2020).
An example of a company that incorporates their values and their purpose within their brand is TOMS. TOMS focuses on both environmental and corporate philanthropy, and this is displayed through their products. For example, TOMS shoes are made with vegan materials and are made using sustainable practices (Londrigan et al, 2018). Not only is TOMS voicing their concerns with the issues surrounding sustainability and the environment, but they are also actively contributing to resolve the issue.
For brands to appeal to consumers, they must look at what the demographic they are trying to attract, and then look at what these consumers are expecting/ wanting to see from brands and products. Gen Z in particular, are ‘looking beyond tangible products and actually trying to understand what it is that makes the company tick. What’s its mission? What’s its purpose? And what is it actually trying to build for us as a society?” (Finneman B, 2020).
Brands communicate their purpose to Gen Z in various ways. Being ‘digital natives’, the most effective way to communicate to Gen Z is through online platforms, particularly social media. Digital natives often turn to the internet when looking for any kind of information, including news and reviews prior to making a purchase (McKinsey and Company, 2020). The McKinsey and Company report says that, in particular, ‘video-sharing social media sites have seen a meteoric rise as Gen Z comes of age. TikTok currently rules trends, feelings, and culture for Gen Zers, who make up 60 percent of the app’s one billion-plus users’ (McKinsey and Company, 2020). Therefore, brands can utilise the platform, and use it to communicate their purpose to their consumers (Gen Z). Additionally, brands can communicate their purpose to Gen Z through the incorporation of celebrity’s/ influencers that share the similar beliefs/ values. For example, the Nike x Billie Eilish AF1 Low collaboration uses leftover material waste from the artists prior collaborative AF1 High to create new aesthetic for iconic silhouette (Nike newsroom, 2022). Eilish is known for her involvement in climate activism and sustainability. Thus, underscoring both Nike and Eilish’s shared commitment to taking action to create a better world (Nike Newsroom, 2022)- communicating to consumers, particularly Gen Z, their purpose and belief of taking care of the planet.

Qualtrics, (2023), What is brand purpose and why is it important? Available at: https://www.qualtrics.com/uk/experience-management/brand/brand-purpose/#:~:text=Brand%20purpose%20is%20a%20company’s,niche%20it%20seeks%20to%20fill. (last accessed: 27 October 2023)
Curry L, 2020, How Brands Can Follow Through on the Values They’re Selling, Harvard Business Review, Available at https://artslondon-my.sharepoint.com/personal/r_zilkha_fashion_arts_ac_uk/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fr%5Fzilkha%5Ffashion%5Farts%5Fac%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FFBS%20Intro%20To%2FFBS%2DIntro%20To%202023%2FLectures%20and%20Seminars%2FWeek%205%2FHow%20Brands%20Can%20Follow%20Through%20on%20the%20Values%20They’re%20Selling%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fr%5Fzilkha%5Ffashion%5Farts%5Fac%5Fuk%2FDocuments%2FFBS%20Intro%20To%2FFBS%2DIntro%20To%202023%2FLectures%20and%20Seminars%2FWeek%205&ga=1(Last accessed: 26 October 2023)
Londrigan, M.P., & Jenkins, J.M. (2018), Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Fashion Supply Chain Management, Fairchild Books, (online) Available at: https://www-bloomsburyfashioncentral-com.arts.idm.oclc.org/encyclopedia-chapter?docid=b-9781501317798&tocid=b-9781501317798-chapter3&pdfid=9781501317798.ch-003.pdf (last accessed: 27 October 2023)
Finneman B, (2020), Meet Generation Z: Shaping the future of shopping, McKinsey and Company, Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/consumer-packaged-goods/our-insights/meet-generation-z-shaping-the-future-of-shopping#/ (last accessed: 27 October 2023)
McKinsey and Company, (2020), What is Gen Z?, Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/mckinsey-explainers/what-is-gen-z (last accessed: 28 October 2023)
Nike newsroom, (2022), Nike x Billie Eilish AF1 Low, Available at: https://about.nike.com/en/newsroom/releases/nike-x-billie-eilish-af1-low (last accessed: 28 October 2023)