People Blog
The internet has changed retail forever and shaped the tastes of digital natives (What is Gen Z 2023 McKinsey & Company). The people pillar is the exploration of how the change in generations has affected the wants and expectations of brands.
Generation Z are digital natives, this has affected the way they shop drastically especially compared to other generations. There has been a large shift to not only online shopping but digital marketing, the increase in influencers and the impact they have on the consumer has created a new way for brands to market their products. As an example, 53% of female Generation Z bought makeup or skincare products based on a recommendation from an influencer. () Generation Z are much more diverse and individual than other generations, values and ethics are very important to this generation, therefore a bands ethos is more likely to be considered by generation z than any other previous generations such as the millennials. Therefore, bands should utilise good ethics and values within their brand and have a large focus in diversity to allow them to reach a larger audience of consumers.

The brand Skims is known for being very diverse within its modelling, Kim Kardashian West stated, “It felt like the perfect time to bring a fresh perspective” (Tish Weinstock, 2021) on revolutionising fashion. The products that she creates are promoted and modelled on a range of people of all ethnicities and sizes this can be seen within figure 1 where the models have a more inclusive look and a focus on “feeling good as well as looking good” (Kim Kardashian West, 2021), this is very evolutionary especially within the shapewear sector of the fashion industry. Kim Kardashian West has a large social media presence and can be described as an influencer as well as a businesswoman, this allowed her to easily promote her brand to a wide audience and catch the eye of the press. Kardashian West wants to keep developing new styles and designs that help to make all women feel comfortable and confident.
Within the fashion industry people skills such and technological knowledge and people management are incredibly important. People are one of the most important elements of the fashion industry as they both produce and consume the products therefore keep the industry alive. Having a range of people skills allows for brands to come up with new ideas and keep their consumers interested and interactive with there products.
(Accessed 13/10/23)
(Accessed 13/10/23)