
In the fashion industry, when referring to “people,”, it refers to the consumers or individuals who purchase and use the fashion products. They participate in economic activities through the acquisition and utilization of products and services to fulfill their wants and needs. The decisions and actions of consumers significantly impact businesses, markets, and the broader economy. For companies aiming to effectively cater to the needs of their specific customer base, comprehending consumer behavior and preferences is crucial (Apparel Search, 2007).

In today’s society, Gen Z is one of the biggest target consumers for most fashion brands. Gen-Z (Generation Z) was born in the 1990s and grew up in the 2000s. They live in a world full of networks, the Internet, smartphones, laptops, free Internet, and digital media (Singh, Dangmei, 2016). They are deeply influenced by the Internet, instant messaging, and social media (Chen Jei, 2019), as they use a wide variety of communication devices or social media (Anna Dolot, 2018).

To attract Gen-Z consumers, brands should focus on social media marketing. As the report of Gen-Z and Millennials 2022 stated, “TikTok use has grown year on year: Gen-Z use the video app at twice the rate of millennials(Moran, G., 2022). According to research, for Gen-Z, branding and social media marketing are compatible. With the use of SMMAs, brand managers can elaborate on the exclusive, emotional, and sensory experiences unique to the brand (Dobre et al., 2021).

In addition, brands need to address the concept of diversity in their promotions. One notable example of a brand’s response to diversity is the beauty brand Fenty Beauty, launched by Rihanna. This brand is best known for its extensive range of foundation shades, as they introduced 40 different shades covering a wide spectrum of skin tones, including options for very light to very deep complexions. 

Another aspect of “people” in the fashion industry is that people refer to the various groups and individuals who play critical roles at different stages of the fashion supply chain and the broader fashion ecosystem. In today’s fashion industry, “fashion businesses are starting to look for people who come from a technology background, and technology businesses are looking for people who come from a fashion background(BOF, 2022).” So the skills of adaptability are essential for staying relevant since the fashion industry is constantly evolving, with trends, technologies, and consumer preferences changing rapidly.

In conclusion, both the consumer and the practitioner are important, and the two are closely intertwined.

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Dolot, A. (2018). (PDF) The characteristics of Generation Z. [online] ResearchGate. Available at:

Moran, G. (2022). Gen Z and Millennials 2022. [online] Drapers. Available at:

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