The Importance of The New Generation

Now is the era of the digital natives, Generation Z(Gen Z), is controlling the profound and crucial outcomes of businesses. Prioritising consumer demand and validating their ethos is equivalent to a constant flow of revenue. Fundamentally, the target market is ‘people’, an element within the four pillars of sustainability for businesses. Not only imply the consumers, but also the benefits for “employees, shareholders, suppliers, and community members” (Guay. R, 2023). With the great shift away from the Millennial perspective, how should the fashion industry adapt to new demanding standards from a more dynamic generation?

To achieve the 17 sustainable development goals, it is beneficial to practice the inner development goals (IDG) to adhere to positive change as a society. These IDGs have 23 skills promoting openness, self-awareness, humility, empathy, and creativity. Unfazed by the differences in race, sexual orientation, and religion, Gen Z is naturally adapted to these criterions. Born after 1996, many started their early years with a black president, legalization of gay marriage, and grew up in diverse societies and family structures. These proactive learners with quick access to information, resulted in consumers who are “politically progressive” (Casey. A, 2023) and persistent for brands to represent their identity for a more equitable future.

During the prime time of this generation there has only been “51% of Diverse and inclusive strategies (D&I) by the industry, with only a few portrayals for minority groups” (Rush. C and Dixon. M 2022). 53% of shoppers agree that fashion brands ignore people with disabilities” (Ceron. T, 2022). Failing to account for the disabled population poses a risk to a company’s brand and the inclusive needs of Generation Z. Gen Z grew up in a diverse world and view diversity and inclusion as essential. The simplest element brands tend to forget, when marketing to Gen Z, is that technological advancement should be after D&I. Research shows that in the UK, Gen Z are the most likely age group to return items which does not fit (Nigel. T, 2023). Therefore, one aspect to consider for the future, is to use AI for Fit assurance as this would reduce returns. Furthermore, brands could improve activity/accessibility on social media platforms to influence this hyperconnected generation who prefer to shop online. “Retailers such as Zara and Uniqlo have introduced quick purchases in store and self-services” (Moran. G, 2022) which is again ideal for Gen Z buyers. Knowing who has constructed the clothes is considered a luxury, as “65% of customers try to learn the origins of items and 80% refuse to buy from companies involved in scandals” (Francis. T, Hoefel. F,2018)

To validate consumers that are greatly forgotten, the industry must adapt their people skills, incorporating more listening, perceptiveness, and flexibility. Moschino may have done it once in spring 2021 with Aaron Rose Philip, the first model in a wheelchair featured on a luxury brand runway (Burke. S 2023), but there should be more. If established brands interconnect with Gen Z, whether it’s through influencers, sustainability, AI or IDGs, then there is an opportunity for authentic and loyal buyers.


Burke. S, 2023)

-Model Aaron Philip is on a mission to level fashion’s playing field

(Casey. A, 2023)

-What are the core characteristics of Gen Z

(Ceron. T, 2022) 

-UK fashion inclusivity and diversity market report 2022

(Francis. T and Hoefel. F, 2018)

-True Gen: Generation Z and its implications for companies

(Guay. R, 2023)

-People, planet, profit, and purpose: businesses beyond shareholders,the%20business%20world%20stand%20today%3F


-Inner Development Goals

(Rush. C and Dixon. M,2022)

-Diversity and inclusion in the fashion industry

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