Planet Blog

Sustainability within the fashion industry comes with 4 interconnected pillars, one of being planet. To make the planet pillar a lot more simple and easier to pull apart is splitting it into the features (are, water, land). Researchers and scientists use these terms to measure the health of the ‘planet’ and how industries such as Fashion are impacting the environment. The planet pillar is here to help change the way fashion and textiles impacts the environment and brings awareness to brands that put a lot of money and effort into making their lines and collections sustainable for the planet. 

For many years and decades the fashion industry has worked in a very linear manner, following a straight path of “take – make – waste” or “sell – buy – wear”. This ecosystem within Fashion has caused large statistics such as ‘the 2.5 trillions fashion industry’s producing: 20 percent of global water waste, 10 percent of the global carbon emissions ‘ and ‘Textiles production – 1.2 billion tonnes of C02 annually’. One of the main aims of the planet pillar is to create more of a ‘circular economy’ which is more of a life cycle, where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated. This is an A lot more useful ecosystem and hopefully can be the final call to save the world from ‘climate catastrophe’.

As someone who is a strong supporter of sustainability, I have done my research on sustainability in relation to fashion. To me its up cycling and reselling. Reselling clothes on sites like vinted and Depop and then if there is a flop in sale then up cycling the materials or reusing them for art or textile projects. Upcycling is a huge part of fashion nowadays and has actually become ‘trendy’. Patchwork projects and techniques such as botanical printing has really had a rise. Following Upcycling trends is another link between sustaibality and fashion that I believe will help our planet.

The SDG “sustainable development goals”, are a blueprint to achieve a better and a more sustainable future for us all. The SDG include actions such as no poverty, zero hunger and clean water and sanitation. Clean water and sanitation is an sdg goal beginning to appear more and more in brands. The rise in cotton has created a more environmentally friendly industry with it being made from 85% of clean water. Cotton has become a replacement for many materials such as polysester and metalled materials which are huge damaging for the planet and environment.

Bibliography /referencing

Take Action for the Sustainable Development GoalsUnited Nations › sustainabledevelopment › sustain… 

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