
Four pillars of fashion are people, plant, profit and purpose. The circular economy is a production model and consumption that involves sharing, renting, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible. In this way, the life cycle of products is extended. In reality, this means that waste is reduced to a minimum. When products reach the end of their useful lives, their materials are kept as economical as possible due to recycling. These can be used again and again efficiently, thus creating further value (Economy, 2023). For the sustainability in relation to fashion, sustainability refers to the process of creating and consuming clothes in a “sustainable” way that protects the environment and the people who produce them. In addition, true sustainability should ensure that the creation process is environmentally and socially sound, from materials to manufacture, all the way to workers’ conditions and fair remuneration (Alison, 2023). Nowadays, more consumers are looking towards sustainable clothing. Sustainability is also becoming more and more important in the fashion industry. There are 17 types in UN SDG. Responsible consumption and production are related to fashion. It is a process of fashion industry, which include fabric, machines and dye and so on. Sustainable consumption and production promote resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure and access to green and decent jobs and a better quality of life. It is at the centre of progress in building a sustainable economy that works for people and the planet in the long term. Fashion accounts for 10 per cent of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and 20 per cent of wastewater and consumes more energy than the aviation and shipping sectors combined Renee 2021). As eco-conscious generations become more economically stable, brands need to stay on track with the growing demand for sustainable fashion practices. As the importance of environmental, social and governance transparency continues to grow, fashion companies may feel pressure to do more (Elisa & Anita, 2022). More and more consumers are choosing sustainable products. In order to attract more clients, the company will focus more on the development of sustainable garments and the reduction of pollution in the production process. In excess of it, the fashion industry also guards the planet’s environment with obligation.


1.Economy (2023) What is a circular economy. Available at: [ Accessed 7 Oct. 2023]

2. Alison, B. (2023) 
The State Of Sustainability In The Fashion Industry (And What It Means For Brands). Available at: [Accessed 7 Oct. 2023]

3.Renee, C (2023) Why fashion needs to be more sustainable. Available at: [Accessed 7 Oct. 2023]

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