The fashion business school encompasses four fundamental principles: profit, planet, purpose, and people. Today, the focus will be on planet and its relevance to the fashion industry. Fashion ranks as the second most environmentally damaging sector globally, following chemicals. A single wash of polyester clothing introduces 700,000 microplastic fibres into the environment annually, finding their way into the sea. Forests are experiencing significant harm, over 200 million trees being cut down annually without adequate replacement. (Katarina Rimarcikova, 2023). 

Sustainability in the fashion industry means making clothes ethically and in an environmentally friendly way. It’s about creating fashion that lasts and using resources responsibly. However, achieving sustainability in the industry is a challenge. The United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to address poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all by 2030. “Around 600 million people will still be living in poverty under current trends by 2030” (SDG Report, 2023). It is difficult to now change the way the industry is, “the fashion industry system must recognize that to move towards sustainability long -term, it is the whole fashion cycle that must undergo improvement, not just a few isolated parts.” (Fletcher K & Grose L, 2012). 

Circular economy is a strategy that helps combat climate change and global challenges. Its goal is to minimize waste and pollution, promote the circulation of products, and regenerate nature. Businesses can start implementing circular economy principles by clothing repair and upcycling services. While some brands may be hesitant due to profit decreases, it’s crucial for them to prioritize sustainability. Selfridges “have just announced a new target of 45% of transactions will come from circular products and that everything it builds, buys and sells will meet its environmental and ethical standards by 2030.” (Erin Williams, 2022). 

Wondering why our planet is facing these challenges? Social media influences us to prioritize following trends rather than engaging in second-hand shopping or reusing clothes. The overproduction of clothing also plays a role in the environmental crisis we’re facing. “The utilisation of clothing is decreasing while clothing sales are increasing, we are buying more therefore more is being made but if we are not utilising it then we are wasting materials” (Angie Lench, 2020). Making the most of our garments helps us move towards responsible consumption and production, which is one of the SDGs. Let’s do our part to reduce waste and promote sustainable practices in the industry! 

Reference List:

Planet Earth & Fashion, Online 

Katarina Rimarcikova, UAL 


Accessed on: 05/10/23

Sustainable Development Goals Report

UNStats, (2022)

Accessed on: 05/10/23

Youtube, Online 

Lecture On Sustainability 

Angie Lench, UAL 

Online (2020) 

Accessed on: 06/10/23 Fletcher, K. & Grose, L. (2012) Fashion & Sustainability: Design for Change. London: Laurence King Publishing 


Accesssed on: 05/10/23 

Selfrdiges & Circularity: Signs of a shift, but still a bit short 

Erin Williams, (2022) 


Accessed on: 06/10/23

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