
The Fashion industry’s carbon admissions are expected to grow by 50% by 2030, the severity of this issue is widely ignored within the fashion industry especially by main high street/mainstream fashion brands. However, when speaking about sustainability we must also consider the ethical issues faced in the industry. 

The corrupt linear economic production line is the main fault within the industry. Brands need to cut down on the mass production due to the amount of clothing ending up in landfill, they also need to begin to invest in ways to create as more circular production line, for example asos’s marketplace allows for clothing to be resold and therefore have a second usage making it more environmentally friendly. Other examples of creating a more circular production style are investing in higher quality materials, this will help the consumer become more likely to continue wearing the piece. The future of fashion is dependant on using this circular economy. 

The UN’s sustainable development goals are beginning to be seen implemented through fashion brands, within the brand Etsy there is a 50/50 split of men and women on the board, this shows how the development goal 5 gender equality is seen within mainstream fashion businesses(as seen in Figure 1), this is important in helping to decrease the gender pay gap which was at a mean of 5.45% in 2022. (March 2022, the Department for International Trade). This issue can also be seen in relation to the UN sustainability goal of decent work and economic growth, this goal is very important within the fast fashion industry as working conditions of many fast fashion brands such as Shien have unbearable working conditions are severally underpaid staff. The organisation Equality Trust is focusing on trying to change and develop the industry into having fair pay in all areas, this is very important in helping create a more equal and considerate working environment.

Fig 1, The UNs sustainability goals

Fair trade is very important when considering sustainability within the fashion industry, fair trade “guarantees that producers have received a living income from their work regardless of fluctuations in the market price” (Why Fashion Matters Frances Corner, pg 71) this is vital in insuring that there is decent work conditions and economic growth. Ethical issues are very important when considering the sustainability of a brand, consumers need to begin taking further consideration when buying from certain brands to insure that the items they are purchasing come from a more sustainably background and that brands have good ethical consideration within all stages of production this will helps to improve the overall sustainability of the fashion industry.


What is fast fashion and how is it changing the planet?,than%2050%20percent%20by%202030.

(accessed 7/10/2023) gender pay gap report

(accessed 7/10/2023)

The equality trust fund

(accessed 7/10/2023)

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