My favourite Fashion – Diesel

Diesel is highly know brand, recognised for their denim lines and their branded colours being red, blue and grey. The brand was established in 1978 by Renzo ross, aimed to create innovated denim following the 4 diesel pillars (be the alternative, stand for the planet, celebrate individuality and promote integrity). The brand was established amidst a worldwide oil crisis, during which diesel was considered an alternative fuel. This inspired ross’ naming for the brand. 

The 4 pillars of diesel are what define the brand and help move forward and futurize it for future collections. BE ALTERNATIVE, represents creating alternative and responsible products by seeking low impact materials, they collaborate with others to find more sustainable solutions throughout the value chain. STAND FOR THE PLANET, commits to climate action and minimising greenhouse gases. CELEBRATE INDVIDUALITY, represents developing a sustainability culture within the company and employees. PROMOTE INTEGRITY, promotes high social and environmental standard throughout the supply chain and enhancing the traceability of products. These 4 pillars are shown repetitively through the brand and that is why Diesel is my favourite brand as they show their morals and wants through actions aswell as words. 

I recently watch Diesels spring 2023 collection show online where I compared it to last years fall/winter collection and see the growth of the company. This years was set on levelled runway with a running led of red lighting throughout the show and a large projection placed at the back wall. Last years the show was on the flooring with flood lights placed all throughput the room. A very different vibe to this years. I personally preferred last years as there was more creative initiative with the blow up ballooned figures and the collection being a lot more distinctive and trendy.

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